In this post I will tell you how to make a program that count number of uppercase letters and lowercase letters in a string Know about counting integers . So, without any further delay let's started.
Here first we declare a String of name str[100] that will take up to hundred characters. Then we use printf statement to said user to enter string . And using scanf we take input . And you see I give some space between double quote and % because we are telling compiler that only read string not white space. Here we ^\n use this operator to tell compiler take input till user press Enter. Then we define a function called numberLetter which take string as its arguments. And in that we define three variable of int i , j ,k and initialize it from 0 . Then we run a while loop till the length given of string and we gets its length using strlen() function and that is why we include string.h our header file . Then we use if condition and check each character of string between and equal to 65 and 90 . Because they are their Ascii value . If this condition is true then j++ increase value of j. And for lower case we check between and equal to 97 and 122. And if this condition is true then k++ will increase value of k. Then we give i++ which will get in work till our loop condition. And value of j and k every time when condition is true. And in end we use printf to print the output . Know about basic C. Then we call numberLetter function in main and give str as parameter.
You see that it works very well as we think according to logic and code. You must try this by yourself and become better programmer . I hope that you find this helpful in your work . Thanks for reading.
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